Here and now, people all around the world are contemplating a sense of escapism.
It is personal. It is about every day, ordinary choices and ideas that make us feel liberated and comfortable.
Beyond our basic needs — clean air and water, food and the company of loved ones — everything else seems excessive and greedy. We acknowledge that ‘more and more’ and ‘bigger is better’ will not sustain us anymore.
We appreciate more than ever the significance of beauty, the energy of creativity, the endurance of quality,
the impact of aesthetics, the power of innovation, the clarity of conscious living.
With this first edition of our work, we want to share with you our architecture’s sensual and intellectual experience. We hope that we will inspire you to embark on visionary journeys while staying at your home or office.
In our practice, we see architecture as a reason to progress and a way to be truly human.
Stella Pieri
Pieros Pieris